Meet Bella

The future of retail research is finally here, and it's named Bella
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In today’s world, the largest market share belongs to ​ whoever gets intel first

And that can be YOU !

Meet Bella, Bella is an AI image recognition algorithm that achieves above human-level performance and real-time object detection.  Bella analyzes and processes thousands of images within seconds and is able to identify objects using image recognition with an accuracy of 94%. ​

It is truely a pioneer in the retail field as it is fed hundreds of thousands of images a day, and each shelf image contains up to 400 product faces.  This means millions of products are analyzed by Bella each day to detect which products are missing, how many faces are present per product, brand & model.  This gives brands accurate, real-time reports on their presence in retail spaces, and that gives an advantage over their competitors by being 3 steps ahead by knowing the market’s reality. ​

Join ScoreCarts today and get access to the most advanced and the only AI powered technology in the FMCG industry.

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OSA check audit Retail Audit KSA UAE
OSA check audit Retail Audit KSA UAE

Why Do You NEED Bella ?

It’s simple, to automate the market visits, to cover a bigger number of retailer visits per day, to eliminate human error, and to immediately generate reports of the shelf’s status. With Bella the AI, you will open yourself to see real-time reports of your brand’s on shelf availability, performance, and more.

Constantly Learning & Improving Itself

Every day, we feed Bella thousands of images, videos and 3D models of hundreds of products. We use deep learning datasets to identify patterns in the images. Then Bella processes each image and each frame individually, in different brightness, contrast, angles and saturation levels, which enables it to recognize SKUs almost instantaneously, and list them in their specific place in our database which our clients have access to.

Bella’s Capabilities :​

  • Up to 94% product recognition accuracy​
  • Up to 400 objects per image​
  • Up to 25 images per second​
  • Delivering & reflecting recorded data in 0.2 sec to your dashboard ​
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OSA check audit Retail Audit KSA UAE
OSA check audit Retail Audit KSA UAE
OSA check audit Retail Audit KSA UAE


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