Keeping Up With The Distribution

At least one of the Key Account Retailers are missing your products right now.

There goes a missed sale and consumer retention.

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Are Your Distributors Sticking To The Deal

We'll Help You Find Out !

Your brands’ distributors can have a massive impact on your sales and performance in the market.

Consumers are becoming less and less brand loyalists, it’s all coming down to what brands are available on shelf during the shopping. Having poor on shelf availability (OSA) and repeated out of stock (OOS) occurrences is greatly impacting sales and brand awareness. Luckily, there are several ways and solutions of tracking and controlling your OSA with tools and technologies that continuously check shelf space and brand presence and report it back to you in real-time.

Take back control of your on-ground presence and let’s ensure that your products are always available when consumers are shopping.

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OSA check audit Retail Audit KSA UAE
OSA check audit Retail Audit KSA UAE
OSA check audit Retail Audit KSA UAE
OSA check audit Retail Audit KSA UAE

Supply And Demand

Our statistics show that more than 14.8% of FMCG distributors have left the industry in the past 2 years. Now even though it doesn’t seem like a big number, but it is big enough to have an impact on the market and it is now recovering as fast as it should, as the remaining distributors tend to focus on quantity instead of quality. Therefore, brands are left with a few distributors to fulfill the task of being a liaison between the consumer and the manufacturer, to sell their products that are currently in high demand, and to foster a positive sales-based relationship between the manufacturer and the market.


Staying Up-To-Date

The question is, how can your suppliers stay up to date with your OSA status? In these hard times, brands are starting to rely on technology more to stay in business and to keep up with their competitors. Some of the techy solutions that manufacturers are calling for rescue are AI store audit & live market tracking. Which provides them an insight into the consumer’s world. Through AI-powered technologies, brands are now able to process and analyze all types of images in a matter of seconds using AI-powered Image Recognition technologies & algorithms and keep you posted on your OSA status so you can root cause the issues & solve them with your distributors.


Entering the era of digital data, this technology was built with the aim of generating faster and more accurate big data computing and revolutionizing the way research and analysis are done. ScoreCarts can create and develop customized digital platforms and tools which allow Brands to transform their real-time data into an online and interactive dashboard, easy to use and filter through the data.

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OSA check audit Retail Audit KSA UAE
OSA check audit Retail Audit KSA UAE


OSA check audit Retail Audit KSA UAE