Real-time, accurate, fast & reliable data analysis and tech solutions

Continuously growing and developing our technologies and innovations

Trusted by the biggest names in the market
A pioneer in the retail tech industry
Guaranteed instant ROI
First AI developed for FMCG brands

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OSA check audit Retail Audit KSA UAE
OSA check audit Retail Audit KSA UAE

Operating in more than 5,000 retailers and channels (MT/TT/Pharmas)

With 50+ brands
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Accessible Anytime and From Anywhere

Get access to our dashboards and systems from anywhere in the world and stay connected with your market
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Cutting Edge Technologies Pioneers in developing technologies and solutions

Tailor-made for the industry

ADVANTAGESPartner with ScoreCarts Today and Enjoy the Benefits of Having Live Data Analysis and Innovative Tech Solutions

ScoreCarts provides you with insights into the consumer’s world and the market today. Through Bella the AI, and other revolutionary technologies, you will be able to process and analyze all types of data and images in a matter of seconds, using an AI Image Recognition technology. Entering and living the era of digital data, these AI technologies are built with the aim of generating faster and more accurate big data computing and revolutionizing the way research and analysis are done. ScoreCarts can create and develop customized digital platforms and tools which allow Brands to transform their real-time data into an online and interactive dashboard, easy to use and filter through the data. Functionalities and look and feel are all built from scratch to ensure that each dashboard is uniquely crafted for each business.
OSA check audit Retail Audit KSA UAE
OSA check audit Retail Audit KSA UAE

SERVICESMarket Research Solutions

OSA check audit Retail Audit KSA UAE

Retail Audit

Providing you with OSA, SOS, prices & displays reports, along with interactive maps & analysis
OSA check audit Retail Audit KSA UAE

Competitor Analysis

Providing you with real-time reports and competitor analysis, giving you the advantage for knowing the market's reality
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Bella the AI

A first-time implimented technology, combining retail research and AI technology for an ultimate solution to be implimented by brands
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Customized Dashboards

Check if your products have correct price tags and prices.
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Distribution Check

Find out if all your products are available and how big is your shelf space
OSA check audit Retail Audit KSA UAE

Beat The CompetitionBe ahead of the curve

Know yours and your competitor’s performance compared to the market’s trends and always be a step ahead of the competition by having real-time category insights and data analysis.
Get a quotation and start your pilot!

Customized Tools

Custom made tools and dashboards based on your needs & requests

Accurate Data

All of the delivered data is triple-checked

Get a Quotation

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